How to Release Emotional Pain Toxic Relationships

How To Handle Arguments In Toxic Relationships?

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of us by Arguments and Toxic Relationships. There has been a marked increase in people reaching out for psychological help during the past year.

Many have experienced a spurt in their stress levels feeling emotionally turbulent during this time. Due to months confine in close spaces, some have also faced domestic abuse and marital issues. 

Between March 25 and May 31 in 2020, 1,477 complaints of domestic violence were made by women. This period recorded more complaints than those received between the same months in the previous 10 years.

“The intense circumstances created by Covid-19 have manifolded our stress to tremendous highs, bringing in a myriad of additional problems into our homes.”

Jayapalashri Anil, priestess, shaman, light body practitioner, meditation facilitator, Samskara Healing.

It’s extremely perplexing for us to adapt to this so-called new normal.

“Our houses are crammed with people, while our mind is crumpled with perplexity. There is meant to be a lot of friction. Arguments, breakdowns, financial crisis, and dealing with toxic relationships have become difficult to handle as we were confined to our homes.”

Sanjana Bafna Ranka, founder of The Equilibrium
How To Handle Arguments In Toxic Relationships? – TheEquilibrium

Turn miff and tiff into healthy arguments

Arguments when attached with a sense of ego turn fruitful discussions to cause misunderstandings. Chinmayee Tammreddy, emotional intelligence life coach, The Equilibrium lists tips to turn a tiff into a healthy argument.

Arguments have a learning curve:

One must have valid points to base their arguments on.

Truth can be objective in relationships:

Do not lose your calm as anger loses the ability to see the truth.

Be gentle and intuitive:

Be intuitive to recognize the moment an argument could flip into a nasty fight, destroying your relationship.

Create healthy and happy relationships

A relationship that is bonded by obsession, jealousy, and passiveness can never harness a positive and fruitful relationship. Jyotsna Ahuja Kapoor, counselor, transformation coach, and founder, The White Space says to overcome these emotions, couples can follow these pointers to create a safe space for mutual growth and love.

Safe Space:

A relationship is essentially where two people co-create a safe space wherein they explore themselves and each other, not just grow, but blossom, and experience the highest potential of human emotions, love, and joy.


Trust is the very foundation of any kind of intimacy – be it physical, emotional, or mental.

Past Baggage:

Very often past trauma in any form brings in heavy baggage that can leave both partners reeling from their weight. Most often this trauma is the core cause of insecurity, which may manifest as jealousy, obsession, possessiveness, etc in relationships.

The reassurance of safety:

A partner who is insecure is looking for an anchor in the other, to feel safe. Giving them this reassurance of safety is of paramount importance in their healing and overall healthy relationship.

Relationships Empowerment:

The stronger partner needs to empower the other one to find avenues outside the relationship that fulfill them and make them feel bonded into emotional and mental wellbeing.

How To Handle Arguments In Toxic Relationships? - The Equilibrium
How To Handle Arguments In Toxic Relationships? – TheEquilibrium

Stress-induced emotional symptoms

  • Depression
  • Unhappiness
  • Irritation
  • Anxiety
  • Loneliness Anger
  • Moody Overthinking

Tips to deal with stress

  • Have a balanced diet Avoid too much caffeine and oily food
  • Avoid or limit alcohol consumption Prioritise sleep of a minimum of seven hours
  • Keep a workout routine
  • Take a break and do fun and relaxing things Socialise and meet friends
  • Take-up new hobbies Adopt a meditation routine and do Pranayama
  • Don’t commit to things which you are unable to do to do

How to handle emotional issues

  • Self-awareness and acknowledgment
  • Don’t get caught in well-meaning but meaningless comfort
  • To hell with the taboo
  • Organizations have a strong role to play

“Emotional turbulence can cause a long-lasting impact on our lives. People just don’t realise it as they go about their day-to-day life, juggling multiple priorities, tackling multiple challenges both at the personal and professional front.”

Sonica Aron, founder and MD, Marching Sheep

Check for red flags and get out of a toxic relationships

You know you are in a toxic relationship when you are anxious or feel drained when being with your partner. Savitha Subramanian, positive psychology and meditation coach, The Equilibrium tells what to do to desist it.

  • Immediate: Get out of the relationship straight off
  • Empathize: When the person is in a receptive mood, explain their behavior is hurting
  • Seek support:  Consulting family and friends
  • Master the art of non-reaction: Non-reaction is a way of retaliation
  • Physical distancing: It helps to unbuckle mental and emotional ties, and recover and revive yourself.

Forgive and forge ahead:

Realize that you deserve healthy love. Rescue yourself seek professional help

Also ReadHow to Release Emotional Pain